This post explains how to measure GPU utilisation in real-time using tools provided by NVIDIA.
Monthly archives: August 2023
Compiling Torch Code – Example on Memory Reduction
Staring from the version 2.x PyTorch, a popular deep-learning framework, introduces a JIT compiler torch.compile. In this post, I am sharing a non-trivial example demonstrating how this tool can reduce memory footprint on GPU. The point of departure is a sub-routine which computes similarity, similar to covariance but not as friendly to compute. For two …
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Dealing with geo coordinates
Location on maps are often provided in a Coordinate Reference System (CRS). In computer vision projects, however, we need to translate them to pixels. Plotting and transformations can be accomplished with the rasterio Python module. Below I share a useful snippet showing how to convert CRS locations to pixel coordinates:
Setting up CUDA tools properly
Diagnosing CUDA setups – two use-cases from real development.